Sunday, February 3, 2008

Flaming Hot Cheetos and Crosswalks

Tonight I had dinner with Becca. We were gonna make something with avocados so I stopped by the Mexican food store under the California L stop. The avocados weren't ripe! So I called my girl up and asked if I should just go across the street to Taqeria Moran and get food. Yes! She says. Before I left the store I got 3 things, some flaming hot cheetos, sour cream, and two cans of coca cola. I crossed the street and went into Moran. I ordered the 3 chicken taco dinner for Becca and I got 1 veggie tostada and 1 chile relleno taco. I was stoked. I continued on to Becca's.

As I exited Moran, I reached into the grocery bag and took out some flaming hot cheetos. It was one of those little 25 cent bags. I was starving. I walked and ate my cheetos. I didn't get far before some dude started yelling at me. Maybe half a block, the light was green at the corner of California and Milwaukee so I stopped to wait. I heard someone say something about my chips. I couldn't hear because I had my hood up and its a really thick parka hood. So I turned and said What? He said, Can I have some of your chips? I laughed and said, Umm okay. He didn't take any but just asked, Can I have your number? I laughed again and said, No, I don't have a number. I turned and noticed the light had changed and started to cross the street. I heard him say something again, turned and asked what. He asked if he could walk me home. I said, Nah I'm fine, thanks. And kept walking.

It's funny how he wanted me but asked for my cheetos first.